What the Heck is This Thing?
Words and Pictures from the Midwest
No promises as to what this blog will be.
I’m a creative writer. I like taking pictures, mostly of nature and, sometimes, our place in it. Rather than morning pages or journalling, which are productive habits for many writers, I like to walk with my camera, see what catches my eye, and snap the image. There are always more than I can take. And pretty soon I’m lost in the cadence of walking and looking, and then a line or a fragment comes effortlessly from the ether. I’ve learned to follow.
The line might be part of a longer work I’ve been mulling. It might be short and unto itself. This routine is the one dependable thing that awakens my muse and sets me to my writing for the day. And so, I call some of what I’ll do here, these short pieces, One Thing, but they are really two; a picture paired with prose. The subject could be anything. Or I might share other creative work, both short or long.
There is no paywall for my viewable content. The only agenda is that the photography is for sale on this website, as will be books (either eBook or hardcopy format) when they come. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to causes of my choosing as detailed on this site’s ethics page. If you subscribe to my email list, you’ll receive a free Flower a Week in your inbox in addition to links to new work and my monthly Words | Pictures newsletter.
I welcome comments to the work and will try to reply in timely fashion.