Personal History
Personal History (view in gallery and store | image by bruce harris
Two herons, a couple, fly down our street
tunneled with towering oak, winging
silent and large as if to show balance
and grace are still alive somewhere
in this world.
And the cicadas rub their wings
playing their ancient summer drone
here long before the golf course was made
with its established Civil War prestige
bunkers and sod covering Native land.
And the place of our first kiss
teen spirits trespassing and entwined
over the burial sites we didn’t know were there
somewhere under the moon and the lightning bugs
and our dancing tongues.
Years later hawks circle and cry.
Coyotes gather at the 14th green
howling in the lunar light over spilled prey.
Our dog paces within our glass house
ears pricked, mouth panting and wet.
This morning we walked down our street
bordering the course. That’s when the herons
flew past. First their shadows, then their tails
disappearing through the green.